60 Seconds of Pride: Celebrating LGBTQ+ History

June is LGBTQ+ Pride month. We’re celebrating key moments in LGBTQ+ history in a new series called “60 Seconds of Pride.”
60 seconds of Pride: LGBTQ fight for rights began with a secret society formed in 1950

What began as a moment that sparked the fight for LGBTQ+ equality in the 1960s became a movement that has spanned decades. Pride is a time when people around the world celebrate LGBTQ+ and gender non-binary communities.

In “60 Seconds of Pride,” we’re taking a look at some of the key moments in LGBTQ+ history.

Episode 1: What is Pride?

The first LGBTQ Pride Month took place in June 1970, commemorating the first anniversary of the Stonewall uprising in New York City.

According to the Library of Congress, the United States celebrated Gay Pride Day on the last day in June.

Since then it’s grown to become a month-long celebration.

Episode 2: The history of the Stonewall Inn

The Stonewall Inn is considered by many the birthplace of the fight for gay rights. Following a police raid at the bar on June 28, 1969, a group of community members fought back against police.

It lasted six days. A Black trans woman, Marsha P. Johnson, was one of the prominent figures of that rebellion and a founding member of the gay liberation front.

Today, the Marsha P. Johnson Institute — named in her honor — works to defend the rights of Black trans individuals.

Episode 3: What is the Mattachine Society?

The fight for gay rights began with a secret group formed in 1950. Harry Hay gathered a group of gay men together in Los Angeles. They called themselves the Mattachine Society.

In 1951, they organized discussion groups in secret during a time when thousands of men and women were arrested on charges related to being gay.

Episode 4: What does LGBTQ mean?

As we celebrate Pride Month, you’ve probably heard of “LGBT” or “LGBTQ.” What do those letters mean and why do they keep changing? It’s all about inclusion and about taking ownership of your identity and sexuality.

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