Vocal Asian American and minority railing against affirmative action

Though 70% of Asian Americans support affirmative action, factors like pressurized school systems in Asia, immigrant trauma and a lack of firsthand knowledge of U.S. racial history have affected the opposition

As the Supreme Court weighs two high-profile cases challenging affirmative action, a vocal minority of Asian Americans continues to impact public debate.

Though 70% of Asian Americans support affirmative action, factors like pressurized school systems in Asia, the immigrant condition and a lack of firsthand knowledge of U.S.’s racial history fuel the opposition, experts said.

“Chinese Americans that I interviewed … most of them were middle or upper middle class, but they often talked about the low-income Chinatown Chinese whose parents were working two or three jobs,” Oiyan Poon, director of the Race and Intersectional Studies for Educational Equity (RISE) Center at Colorado State University told NBC News. “Some of it was resentment — fear that their experiences were not being recognized. That their sacrifices were not being recognized.”

The cases before the Supreme Court, brought by the group Students for Fair Admissions, Inc., accuse the schools of discriminating against Asian Americans, putting them at a disadvantage and valuing Black and Latino students more highly.

Among Chinese Americans, support for affirmative action is at 59%, the lowest within the Asian American community. In some parts of the country, members of the group made an impact on some school districts. In San Francisco, for example, many Chinese Americans organized and successfully helped recall three members of the city’s board of education earlier this year. The board’s vote to institute a lottery system, rather than a primarily test and grade-based admissions policy at Lowell High School, the city’s top public school, was a major impetus for organizing.

Immigration policies that favored skills-based immigrants colored education

Experts said that while Chinese American affirmative action opponents come from diverse backgrounds, the most outspoken critics and organizers are middle and upper middle class, usually parents who came to the U.S. within the past few decades. Many arrived around the 1990s or afterward, when immigration policies shifted toward skill-based, or higher-educated recruits — those who were “significantly professional class privileged,” Poon said.

Jinxia Niu, the program manager of the Chinese digital engagement initiative at nonprofit Chinese for Affirmative Action, similarly said that many of these immigrants already obtained college degrees in their home country. This means that they haven’t necessarily had to navigate the undergraduate experience in the U.S. as a minority. This also means that they themselves haven’t experienced the benefits of affirmative action or education equity policies, Niu said.

Instead, their higher education experiences have been colored by China’s highly pressurized standardized test known as the National College Entrance Examination or “gaokao.” The stakes are high, and placement in top universities is incumbent almost solely on scores. Top American universities, however, use a “holistic” admissions process in which affirmative action policies allow them to take race into account. Many see the “soft skills” calculated into the admissions process as space to be unfair, Niu said.

‘You’re pulling the rug from underneath us’

Natasha Warikoo, author of “Race at the Top: Asian Americans and Whites in Pursuit of the American Dream in Suburban Schools,” pointed out that even though only a minuscule percentage of students overall get into highly selective institutions like Harvard, the process can still fuel feelings of inequity. Compared to a simple testing system, U.S. admissions can feel opaque, making many parents vulnerable to a logic that assumes there’s discrimination at play. And these narratives thrive on WeChat and other platforms heavily used by Chinese immigrants to both socialize and organize.

“I remember speaking on a panel years ago at one of these exam schools and an Asian American woman stood up and said, ‘You know, just as we figure out your system of meritocracy, it feels like you’re pulling the rug from underneath us,’” Warikoo recalled.

Coupled with anxiety over class mobility and the experience of immigration, Poon said many Chinese American opponents she’s spoken to see the admissions process as another example of how they are being overlooked in the country.


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