We are excited to announce that the 20th Annual Puerto Rican and Hispanic Day Parade of WNY and its associated activities are all back for this milestone year!!  Every year the parade honors the achievements and contributions of the Puerto Rican and Hispanic community to the American fabric of life, to its diversity and to the ideals of justice, equality in inclusiveness for everyone. For the first time ever, we will have two Grand Marshals, Vietnam war veterans Ventura Colon and Johnny Sanabria.  Not only did these two serve valiantly during the war, but upon returning home spent decades assisting veterans and serving the community in many capacities including being founding members of several organizations.  To this day, you can see these gentlemen being among the first to volunteer to serve the community.

The Flag Raising Ceremony will take place Thursday, August 11, 2022, at noon in front of Buffalo City Hall.  Avenida San Juan, Niagara Street, will have the flags of Puerto Rico and all Hispanic countries placed along the Hispanic Heritage Corridor, from Niagara Square to Porter Avenue. This ceremony signals the community that the parade is coming soon.

The parade will take place Saturday, August 20th, at noon, and participants will head north from Buffalo City Hall to Porter. In another first, after the parade, all participants will head back to Niagara Square where concerts and kid’s activities, including amusement rides, will take place August 20th and 21st.  The Borinquen Leadership Development Program will present scholarships to deserving young ladies and young men. We invite all participants and spectators to follow CDC guidelines and celebrate carefully and with social distance.  Unvaccinated persons should wear a mask.

On Sunday, August 21st at 10:30am, various community churches will take the stage and come together to have a Christian based service for the community. All are welcomed to attend.

The Parade organizers are grateful for the support of City of Buffalo Mayor Byron Brown, Council President Darius Pridgen, Councilmen Mitch Nowakowski, Ulysses Wingo, Bryan Bolman, M&T Bank, Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center, Fisher Price, Rodriguez Construction Group, CinqCare, Watkins Glen, People Inc, Best Self, Rosado Foods, Daeman University, Panorama Hispano News, Ingram Micro,  well as other sponsors for their support.  We thank all of our supporters and partners for their generosity.

We look forward to celebrating the 21st Annual Puerto Rican and Hispanic Day Parade of WNY on August 19th, 2023.  Please visit our Facebook page (Puerto Rican and Hispanic Day Parade of WNY) or our web page (PRHDP.org) for updated information.

Panorama Hispano is the regional news and information newspaper for Hispanic and other diverse communities.

US Hispanics are now the largest ethnic minority in the United States numbering 54.2 million as of July 2014. Serving: Buffalo, Rochester, Fredonia, Niagara Falls, NY and Erie, PA. Outside our Market area: Visit our affiliate at: http://www.impremedia.com/

Contact us: Contact@PanoramaHispanoNews.com

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