Ricky Martin fears that a change to Civil Code in Puerto Rico affects the women and gay community

Ricky Martin urged Puerto Ricans Thursday “to be attentive” to the intention of the Senate to amend the Civil Code of the island, warning that it can generate a “setback” for equal rights of the gay community

“#PuertoRico We have to be attentive to the movements of the Senate to amend the civil code. Legislators obsessed with causing a setback in the fight for equality that has led the LGBTQ (sic) community,” said the Puerto Rican artist on his Twitter account .

The draft amendment was approved by the House of Representatives in March and Senate endorsement is expected on November 13.

The measure is authored by the legislator of the ruling New Progressive Party (PNP) María Milagros Charbonier, who intends to repeal the statute in force since 1930 on the Caribbean island.

The proposal has generated controversy by introducing significant changes, such as the establishment of the age of majority in 21 years (currently 18), the prohibition of marriages of children under 18 years and restrictions on surrogacy (or womb).

Precisely, Ricky Martin is the father of the twins Matteo and Valentino, born in 2008 and who were fertilized by a surrogate.

The change to the code also establishes the marriage between “two persons” without specifying the sex of the parties.

Puerto Rican homosexual activist Pedro Julio Serrano described as “very dangerous” the intention of the Senate that “intends to approve a Civil Code, discriminatory and to the tragala, which undermines the rights of women and LGBTTIQ people, in addition to privileging the religious sector “.

“This code is an affront to the most basic civil rights of several sectors and is intended to be approved without a single public hearing by the Senate. It is irresponsible, reckless,” said Serrano, spokesman for “Puerto Rico For All.”

He stressed that “the dangerous language of the proposed Civil Code, already approved in the House of Representatives, puts into play the acquired rights such as marriage, adoption and abortion.”

“In addition, it gives a legal personality to the churches that opens the door to introduce measures that tend to discriminate. We are facing a major brand attack on human dignity. We must stop it at any rate. Every senator or senator who respect civil rights you have to vote against him, “he concluded.


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