Outrage over city’s lack of preparedness for Puerto Rican and Hispanic Day Parade

As thousands of Hispanics from across the region arrive in Buffalo today to celebrate The Puerto Rican and Hispanic Day parade, the community expressed outrage that Niagara Street (Avenida San Juan) is the unsafe and not prepared for the yearly event.

All over social media community members of Buffalo are expressing outrage.  Nancy Mercado of Buffalo’s Westside, posted on facebook “said Hola the city of Buffalo sure knows how to treat the Puerto Rican and Hispanic people for our parade. Niagara Street construction still not done, sidewalks are not repaired from Hudson Street to Jersey, constructions has stopped two weeks ago the city of Buffalo knew the parade was coming up, you think it would have had the work done for us. Now we have to worry about our kids being hurt during the parade. If it was any other Ethnic groups parade it would have been done on time for their parades, so there families can be safe while enjoying there parade. Oh lets not forget no Puerto Rican on Niagara Street. Wake up Mi Gente”. Social media went viral with members of Buffalo Hispanic community expressing their displeasure with the city of Buffalo and Mayor Bryon Brown.

In another post by Carmen Melendez “Today is the Puerto Rican/Hispanic Parade which i am so proud to have in our Great City of Buffalo. Yesterday, as i was driving down Niagara Street, No Flags!!! It made me so sad that i Ask someone what happen to them. Heard Something about the Poles. So i am asking take all your Big, Little, Flags w/ you if you plan to attend. Were their a Will there is a Way. Since this is my Page i could Express my

Sadness/Disappointing. This is not about been critical. i guess its personal. I know the Good hard working people always work hard and give its Best for us to enjoy something very Beautiful every year. So Glad we could enjoy It in August. Just to express my Puerto Rican Cultural. Have a Great Beautiful Day my Family, Face Book friends”

Inquiries to the city of Buffalo about the delays landed on the doors of The Hispanic Heritages Council of WNY president Casimiro Rodriguez, Sr. who had delayed the Niagara corridor project on several occasions by insisting on changes to the project not agreed upon by the community at large. Particularly, Mr. Rodriguez’s insistence that the entrances in to the Niagara Corridor include emblems of the Hispanic Heritage Council of WNY and special favors for certain business along Niagara street.



Panorama Hispano is the regional news and information newspaper for Hispanic and other diverse communities.

US Hispanics are now the largest ethnic minority in the United States numbering 54.2 million as of July 2014. Serving: Buffalo, Rochester, Fredonia, Niagara Falls, NY and Erie, PA. Outside our Market area: Visit our affiliate at: http://www.impremedia.com/

Contact us: Contact@PanoramaHispanoNews.com

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