Letters From the Sky No. 6

By Jaiddie Ortiz


His beauty stands

At the threshold

Of her golden years.


She would not repudiate

The thrill…

His innocent smile

Sparked her wit.


Wanting him

she awoke.

His arms around her

His youth engulfing.

Her sanity compromised

She sighed

Please do not leave me.


… she was fractured

Flawed, imperfect.

Tempting was he.


At the dismal corridor

goodbye to him.

Hope you find a truthful heart

To edify you.


Thank you for a spark

To the golden years.


cried to the wind

Make him remember

As I stroll onto my golden years.




Faith and Courage in Life


In life there are people that will hurt us and cause us pain,
but we must learn to forgive and forget and not hold grudges.

In life there are mistakes we will make,
but we must learn from our wrongs and grow from them.

In life there are regrets we will have to live with,
but we must learn to leave the past behind and realize it is something we can’t change.

In life there are people we will lose forever and can’t have back,
but we must learn to let go and move on.

In life there are going to be obstacles that will cause interference,
but we must learn to overcome these challenges and grow stronger.

In life there are fears that will hold us back from what we want,
but we must learn to fight them with the courage from within.

God holds our lives in his hands. He holds the key to our future.
Only he knows our fate.

He sees everything and knows everything.
Everything in life really does happen for a reason: “God’s Reason”

I Will Prevail

Phil Harris

I have been told that I will never exceed.
I have been told that I am living in a dream.
I have been pushed to the side by many of my peers.
I have heard of the struggles that were present before me.
I have heard others speak of the struggles they were presented with.
I have accepted I can’t change everything in my life.
I know the things that can be changed will take time.
I have watched many come and fall.

I have seen those who have raised to riches fall to pennies.
I have started a goal.
I have told myself that I will prevail.

I have seen the evil in life.
I have once been a victim to this life.
I have learned that the only thing that can hold you back in life is living for the past.
I refuse to give up without a try.
I refuse to let anyone tell me that I can’t reach the sky.
I refuse to live for today.

I will always prepare for tomorrow, even though it is not guaranteed.
I will refuse to allow anyone to change my heart.
I believe that God will lead me to a higher place.
I believe that change has been accepted for my life.
I believe that someone is watching over me.
I will prevail.

I apologize for the struggles others may have faced.
I refuse to allow myself wait.
I know that many have never received an apology for the struggles they have faced.
I hope that you accept this from me as I am speaking through them to you.
I know that for many of you this is the reason
You have given in to the belief that you can’t exceed.
I will continue through the obstacles that step in my way.
I will ask for guidance every day.
I will not give up.
I will not give in.
I will not look back.
I will not expect that this is all my life is meant to be.
I will continue.
I will prevail.

Enjoy Life!


Life’s too short to be wasted.
It passes just once, so make the most out of it.
Live life the way you want it to be.
Live it to the fullest, feel free!

Live as the sun shines in the sky.
Live as high as the birds can fly.
Live as the colors of a rainbow.
Live as far as the clouds can go.

Never waste it with worthless doubts and fears,
With insecurities and useless tears.
Remember that what couldn’t tear you makes you strong.
Put away frustrations, sing your own song!

Believe in what you can do.
The world is round; it’s all up to you.
Think fast, act now!
Time is gold; it couldn’t be renewed.

Value experiences, learn from mistakes.
Improve for the better, live for others.
Do what is right and what is best.
Always be yourself, unique from the rest.

Laugh as if there’s no tomorrow.
Dance as though you’ll never get through.
Love with all your heart and soul.
Sing like you’re on the top of the world.

Forget the money, the root of all evil.
Treasure your loved ones; you’re lucky they’re still there.
Strengthen your faith, live with God.
The best things in life are for free, so why not?!

From The Heaven Up Above

Mary Wismer

Why can’t we sleep forever
And live inside our dreams,
Sheltered from the heartbreak
That life can sometimes bring.
You could live in a world
Bordered only by your mind
And never have to worry
About running out of time.
You could live out all your dreams,
A life of love and laughter.
Your every desire is fulfilled,
You’d live happily ever after.
You could take the stars
From the heavens up above
Then gift them to the one
That shares your feelings of love.
You could gather every rose
For only their eyes to see.
You would never have to question
Will this love forever be.


“Lanzar los dados”
Charles Bukowski

Si vas a intentarlo, ve hasta el final.

De otra forma ni siquiera comiences.

Si vas a intentarlo, ve hasta el final.

Esto puede significar perder novias,
trabajos y,
quizá tu cordura.
Ve hasta el final.

Esto puede significar no comer por 3 o 4 días.
Esto puede significar congelarse en la banca de un parque.
Esto puede significar la cárcel.

Esto puede significar burlas, escarnios, soledad…
La soledad es un regalo.

Los demás son una prueba de tu insistencia, o
de cuánto quieres realmente hacerlo.
Y lo harás,
a pesar del rechazo y de las desventajas,
y será mejor que cualquier cosa que hayas imaginado.
Si vas a intentarlo, ve hasta el final.

No hay otro sentimiento como ese.

Estarás a solas con los dioses
y las noches se encenderán con fuego.

Hazlo, hazlo, hazlo.

Hasta el final,
hasta el final.
Llevarás la vida directo a la perfecta carcajada.
Es la única buena lucha que hay.


William Hentley

Más allá de la noche que me cubre,
negra como el abismo insondable,
doy gracias a los dioses que puedan existir
por mi alma inconquistable.

En las azarosas garras de las circunstancias
no he gemido ni llorado.

Sometido a los golpes del azar
mi cabeza sangra, pero está erguida.
Más allá de este lugar de ira y llantos
yace sino el horror de la sombra,
Y aún la amenaza de los años
me halla y me hallará sin temor.

No importa cuán estrecha sea la puerta,
cuán cargada de castigos la sentencia,
soy el amo de mi destino,
soy el capitán de mi alma.


“El amor después del amor”
Derek Walcott

Un tiempo vendrá
en el que, con gran alegría,
te saludarás a ti mismo,
al tú que llega a tu puerta,
al que ves en tu espejo
y cada uno sonreirá a la bienvenida del otro,
y dirá, siéntate aquí. Come.

Seguirás amando al extraño que fuiste tú mismo.
Ofrece vino, Ofrece pan. Devuelve tu amor
a ti mismo, al extraño que te amó
toda tu vida, a quien no has conocido
para conocer a otro corazón
que te conoce de memoria.

Recoge las cartas del escritorio,
las fotografías, las desesperadas líneas,
despega tu imagen del espejo.
Siéntate. Celebra tu vida.



“No te rindas…”
Mario Benedetti

No te rindas, aún estás a tiempo
de alcanzar y comenzar de nuevo.

Aceptar tus sombras,
enterrar tus miedos,
liberar el lastre,
retomar el vuelo.

No te rindas que la vida es eso,
continuar el viaje,
perseguir tus sueños
destrabar el tiempo,
correr los escombros,
y destapar el cielo.

No te rindas, por favor no cedas,
aunque el frío queme,
aunque el miedo muerda,
aunque el sol se esconda,
y se calle el viento.

Aún hay fuego en tu alma,
aún hay vida en tus sueños.

Porque la vida es tuya y tuyo también el deseo
porque lo has querido y porque te quiero
porque existe el vino y el amor, es cierto.

Porque no hay heridas que no cure el tiempo.
Abrir las puertas,
quitar los cerrojos,
abandonar las murallas que te protegieron,
vivir la vida y aceptar el reto,
recuperar la risa,
ensayar un canto,
bajar la guardia y extender las manos.
Desplegar las alas
e intentar de nuevo.

Celebrar la vida y retomar los cielos.
No te rindas, por favor no cedas,
aunque el frío queme,
aunque el miedo muerda,
aunque el sol se ponga y se calle el viento.

Aún hay fuego en tu alma,
aún hay vida en tus sueños.

Porque cada día es un comienzo nuevo,
porque esta es la hora y el mejor momento.
Porque no estás solo, porque yo te quiero.



Panorama Hispano is the regional news and information newspaper for Hispanic and other diverse communities.

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