DUBÁI, Emiratos Árabes Unidos (AP) — La propuesta del presidente Donald Trump de que Estados Unidos “tome” la Franja de […]
Compania Flamenco Jose Porcel
At Mainstage Theatre
Mon Oct 19th, 2015 7:30 pm
$31.50,$23.50, $13.50 students (any school)
Subscribe & Save 25%! Five dance performances for only $132
Includes: LehrerDance; Compania Flamenco Jose Porcel; Fiesta Mexico-Americana; Moscow Festival Ballet; and Koresh Dance
Available at the Box Office or order online:
Returning to the Center with a new program! José Porcel and his company of dancers and live orchestra present a spectacle of classic flamenco as it was danced and performed by the great masters from the golden age of the dance.
“Reasons for audience members to envy the dancers of Compañia Flamenco José Porcel: The dances are evocative and exciting, blending traditional flamenco with some decidedly more contemporary music, moves and looks. The dancers are lithe and accomplished. And all the dancers have shoes to die for.” – Las Vegas Review-Journal
Bill Jungels, artist, a critically acclaimed photojournalist and documentary film artist.
Installations, photographs, films and mixed media
Subject matter: Migrants from Mexico and their struggle.
Opening reception: Saturday, September 26, 2015, 6 to 10 pm; the exhibit runs through October 25th.
Casa de Arte’s most popular exhibit, featuring installations, sculptures and mixed media from internationally known artist Mara Odette
Opening reception: Saturday, October 31, 2015, 6 to 10 pm, with a special celebration Monday, November 2nd, 4 to 8 pm; the exhibit runs through November 22, 2015.
Casa de Arte
141 Elmwood Ave.
Buffalo, N.Y. 14201
City of Rochester Events:
Rise up Latina! – “Empowering Latinas to rise to their full potential”: Oct. 15, 5:30 – 8:30 p.m., Stardust Ballroom, 41 Backus St. — Two guest speakers will share their experience of rising up through adversity. Visit booths with information on domestic violence, health, education, FREE make up & beauty tips, gift bags and much more! Spanish appetizers will be served. All are welcome! Contact Sylvia Gonzalez at (585)330-7638 or HispanicHeritageMonth@cityofrochester.gov for more information.
R-Center Theatre Night: Oct. 16, 6 to 8:30 p.m., David Gantt R-Center, 700 North St. — Enjoy a night of Latin theatre and storytelling. Refreshments and pastries provided. Registration required. Please contact Wilfredo Irizarry at 428-7149 or HispanicHeritageMonth@cityofrochester.gov for more information.
Latino Gala Night: Oct. 17, 5:30 – 11:00 p.m., Rochester Riverside Convention Center, 123 East Main St. — Our prestigious Latino Gala includes an elegant sit-down dinner, live music by La Krema, and DJ for dancing into the night! Tickets are only $40 per person! Please contact Janet Gómez at 428-6829 or HispanicHeritageMonth@cityofrochester.gov for more information.
The Hispanic Heritage Committee is dedicated to encourage and celebrate events in the city of Rochester that will promote cultural enrichment and awareness. We take pride in recognizing and spotlighting the positive and historic contributions made by local and national talent, current and past Latinos of the city of Rochester to our country and to the world.
October -2nd.
PAN – Viaje a Nunca Jamás
Peter Pan se basa el clásico de JM Barrie, pero ofrece un nuevo giro a los personajes.
Peter es un joven huérfano en la II Guerra Mundial, que nunca creció. Cuando lo secuestran los piratas de Barba negra lo llevan a Never land, que se encuentra lleno de barcos pirata, pero cuando Peter descubre que está destinado a salvar esa tierra, se propone liderar una rebelión contra la tiranía del gobierno de Barba negra.
Peter is a Young orphan in World War II, who never grew up. When Blackbeard Pirates hijack and take him to Neverland, which is full of pirate ships, but when Peter discovers he is destined to save the land, it intends to lead a rebellion against government tyranny Blackbeard.
October 16-
Crimson Peak – La Cumbre escarlata.
Guillermo del Toro vuelve a un género que domina a la perfección para sumergirnos en una película sobrenatural y directa, que pretende cautivarnos con estética moderna y transportarnos con las referencias a clásicos del séptimo arte.
Después de casarse con la encantadora y seductora Sir Thomas Sharpe, joven Edith (Mia Wasikowska) ella se encuentra arrastrada en su mansión gótica a distancia en las colinas inglesas. También viven allí es Lady Lucille, hermana y protectora de los oscuros secretos de su familia de fascinación de Thomas. Capaz de comunicarse con los muertos, Edith trata de descifrar el misterio detrás de las visiones fantasmales que rondan su nuevo hogar. A medida que se acerca más a la verdad, Edith puede aprender que los verdaderos monstruos son de carne y hueso.
After marrying the charming and seductive Sir Thomas Sharpe, young Edith (Mia Wasikowska) finds herself swept away to his remote gothic mansion in the English hills. Also living there is Lady Lucille, Thomas’ alluring sister and protector of her family’s dark secrets. Able to communicate with the dead, Edith tries to decipher the mystery behind the ghostly visions that haunt her new home. As she comes closer to the truth, Edith may learn that true monsters are made of flesh and blood.
October 23
La adicción ha llevado al Chef de un importante restaurante en Paris ha perder las dos estrellas de su premio Michelín. Caído en desgracia, se encuentra en una espiral dónde todo lo que toca parece hundirse bajo sus pies. Decidido a no rendirse, coge a todo su equipo de cocina y se traslada al próspero Londres. Para superarse a sí mismo deberá poner todo su esfuerzo y fuerza de voluntad tratando de conseguir una tercera estrella para su nuevo proyecto. Pero eso ya no le basta, solo la intención de volver a encontrar el camino de la fama y el éxito, no es suficiente, ahora pretende hacerlo creando el restaurante más grande del mundo en la capital inglesa.
Adam Jones is a Chef who destroyed his career with drugs and diva behavior. He cleans up and returns to London, determined to redeem him self by spearheading a top restaurant that can gain three Michelin stars.
Music- Música
He brings his latest music and performs all over the USA and Canada. This Puerto Rican sensation continues to delight people all over the world, with great music, dance and voice!
Ricky trae al concierto lo mas Nuevo de su interpretación musical y esta de tour en todo los estados unidos y Canadá. Este Puerto Riqueno sigue conquistando los corazones de todo el mundo, con gran música, baile y su voz!
Victor Manuelle – Que suenen los tambores tour.
November 6th. At the Rochester Auditiorium Theatre.
Victor Manuelle emerged as a leading voice among the generation of New York salsa performers who rose to prominence in the mid-’90s, along with Marc Anthony and India, who were his only rivals in terms of success and popularity.
El popular cantante de salsa Victor Manuelle es uno de los mas populares en su genero, junto con artistas de la misma talla de Marc Anthony y la India.
Gabriel Iglesias is coming to buffalo in November 22.
Shea’s Performing Arts.
Today, Iglesias is one of America’s most successful stand-up comedians and he performs in sold-out concerts across the United States and Internationally. His stand-up comedy is a mixture of storytelling, parodies, characters and sound effects that bring his personal experiences to life. His unique and animated comedy style has made him popular among fans of all ages.
Uno de los comediantes mas famosos y se ha presentado en muchos escenarios con boletos completamente vendidos. El es un comediante muy querido con una comedia liviana y vacilante que la familia entera puede gozar.
POETRY- Poesia
Victor Sotomayor
Hola, amigos!
Bienvenidos a la Antología de No Se Habla Español!
The idea for this anthology of poems and short stories
Came from the prompt – No Se Habla Español, that inspired me
To write the opening piece. When I finished writing it,
I thought – why not reach out with this prompt to my
Community of Los Angeles and beyond?
First Poem by Victor Sotomayor
Cleaning Ladies of the World
Cleaning ladies of the world,
Unite and take over!
Cleaning Ladies of the world
Unite and take over!
With their sweepers and Windex,
Getting down and dirty,
Behind a door
Or inside the next cubicle
Looking through the trash
They’ll always find the truth…
Behind the curtain,
Under the staircase
Cleaning ladies lurk
And gather dirty secrets that
CEO’s were not careful enough to hide
The truth shall be exposed
Don’t mess with them cleaning ladies!
Cleaning ladies of the world,
Unite and take over!
Cleaning ladies of the world,
Unite and take over!
Cleaning ladies of the world,
Unite and take over!
Madres de familia…
Profesoras del mundo…
Trabajadoras sociales…
Costureras del mundo…
Empleadas domésticas…
Newsies – in Buffalo and Rochester!
Is a Disney Theatrical Productions stage musical based on the 1992 musical film Newsies, which in turn was inspired by the real-life Newsboys Strike of 1899 in New York City
They delivered the papers, until they made the headlines…Direct from Broadway comes NEWSIES, the smash-hit, crowd-pleasing new musical from Disney. Winner of the 2012 Tony Awards® for Best Score and Best Choreography, NEWSIES has audiences and critics alike calling it “A MUSICAL WORTH SINGING ABOUT!” (The New York Times) Filled with one heart-pounding number after another, it’s a high-energy explosion of song and dance you just don’t want to miss
Newsies es la adaptación teatral de la película de Disney del mismo nombre de 1992, inspirada en la huelga de un grupo de vendedores de periódicos en Nueva York en 1899. La película de 1992.
Con el sello de Disney, este musical es un éxito aclamado por su dinamismo, por su coreografía asombrosa llena de piruetas y un libreto que todas las edades disfrutarán.
A collection of our favorite literary works submited by our writing prompt…
No Se Habla Español
By: Victor Sotomayor, Liana Cabrera, Radomir Luza, Jessica Wilson-Cardenas, Juan Cardenas, Alejandro Molina, Xánath Caraza, Melanie Parson, Jose Torres, Jeffery Martin Pogo Saito, Magdalena Murillo, Iris De Anda, Tamara Lopez Don Kingfisher Campbell, Jesus Aguilar, Lara Sterling and Sarah Frances Moran
No Se Habla Español
By: Victor Sotomayor
English spoken here We don’t need no wetbacks No stinkin’ Latinos We don’t need you!
Go back to wherever it is You came from… Fucking wetbacks, Taking away our jobs!
Go back and Don’t come back!
Regresaría si no fuera porque Mataron a mi padre y a mi madre A machetazos
Regresaría Si no hubiesen quemado mi aldea Esos pinches narcos Dejaron su huella De violencia y corrupción En nuestra comunidad campesina
Regresaría… Con mucho orgullo y dignidad Extraño a mi tierra, A mi cultura A mi raza A los míos
Claro que regresaría… Regresaría, Mil veces regresaría!
Do my children know more Spanish than I do? You know why I hired you, América, my job requires me to travel quite often so I needed you to attend to my children while I was gone…
Well, little did I know that you were teaching them Spanish… And without my consent? How dare you!
Now they are more likely to be the target of bullying… Thanks a lot!
No Español, América! Pick up your check on your way out the door… Your services are no longer needed ’round here.
Si supiera usted como sufren Jason y Michael, mis dos ángeles divinos, cuando le ven partir a sus importantes
viajes de negocios…
Si supiera como le quieren aunque se lo digan en Español, puesto que así yo les enseñé…
Ay, si Como no! Más importante son su Manicure y su
pedicure que sus propios hijos! Más importantes su Rolls Royce, sus joyas y su pinche dinero…
Nada menos me merezco que una patada en el trasero… Ni a sus perros los trata así…
Dios bendiga a mis babies, Miss Carter, rogaré a la virgen para que me proteja a mis angelitos.
Part III
English in the classroom! I will not allow you to speak Spanish in my classroom.
Sorry that you didn’t understand the assignment that I gave you to do, or the subject we’re covering today, or the lyrics to the National Anthem, or our American History and the U.S. Presidents…
Sorry that you cannot read nor write.
That’s not my problem. You’re just one student and you can’t expect the whole class to wait on you to catch up… You’re just going to have to work harder than everyone else, prove to your peers that you’re perfectly capable… No Spanish in my classroom! Next time I hear you speak Spanish
either in class or during recess off to the principal’s office you go, comprende?
Yes, Miss Sánchez, sorry… Perdone si no le entendí la primera,
o la segunda, o la tercera vez
No puedo escribir ni leer el Inglés pero tampoco debo hablar Español…
Sé que usted no tiene tiempo para mi… Yo lo sé…
Algún día podré comunicarme en su idioma, Miss Sánchez, algún día le contaré mi historia… como cuando crucé la frontera en el desierto durante una oscura noche sin luna, entre coyotes y serpientes, arañas y escorpiones,
perros rabiosos y ratas de desagüe, entre la mierda y la sangre, nadando entre los cuerpos de aquellos que no llegaron a cruzar como yo…
Algún día, Miss Sánchez, one day I’ll tell my story…
Cleaning Ladies of the World
Cleaning ladies of the world, Unite and take over! Cleaning Ladies of the world Unite and take over! With their sweepers and Windex, getting down and dirty, Standing behind a door or inside the next cubicle looking through the trash They’ll always find the truth… Behind the curtain, under the staircase
Cleaning ladies lurk and gather dirty secrets that CEO’s were not careful enough to hide the truth shall be exposed don’t mess with them cleaning ladies!
Cleaning ladies of the world, Unite and take over! Cleaning ladies of the world, Unite and take over! Cleaning ladies of the world, Unite and take over!
Madres de familia… Profesoras del mundo… Trabajadoras sociales… Costureras del mundo… Empleadas domésticas… UNITE AND TAKE OVER
Espuma Sangrante
Para los 43 estudiantes de Ayotzinapa (11 de octubre de 2014, Acapulco, Guerrero, México)
Este mar que lame el arena Olas hambrientas Testigos sonoros Luna de agua con ojos quietos Inmóviles palmeras mudas frente a mí Caminan los rayos del amanecer en las calles Marchan ante el contenido rugido del mar Aves migratorias en el horizonte Con ellas vuelo Arena salmón lamida por la espuma sangrante Mientras cuarenta y tres niños perdidos Gritan en tus líquidas rojas entrañas Aullidos sordos, aullidos sordos En este mar estático que ruge Ruge mar, ruge, ruge sus nombres Para la eternidad
The sea licks the sand Hungry waves Resounding witnesses Moon of water with quiet eyes Mute, immobile palm trees before me Dawn sunrays walk through the streets They march before the restrained roar of the sea Migratory birds on the horizon I fly with them Salmon sand licked by bleeding foam While forty-three lost children Howl in your liquid red entrails Silent screams, silent screams In this static sea that roars Roar, sea; roar, sea. Roar their names For eternity
What did you say? Calling me a wetback, my mind is soaked with pain liberation I aim!
I’m a wetback walking through locked doors; they still are here I am digging a hole in your land
I’m a wetback must re-state neither moons or suns request permits to shine in Amsterdam or France, get in freely, about them nobody says anything, Look how stars are entering shinning up on London skies? Does the Queen accept them?
Many are wet, that’s reality They’re wet in shame! They’re soaked in lust! They wet their beds day and night All are pigs inside! Diving themselves in mud! Very few care their thoughts are legal, regardless of how harmful it is for niños, Why the fuck should I be ashamed!
I’m a wetback I‘m more than aware I’m thriving to evolve perhaps the sun could dry my wet soul I was hungry, that’s why I came, I’ve perforated those walls the ones that wish to tear me down
I’m just planting seeds where sprouts shall grow; I am a golfer digging holes but you keep calling me a wetback
The wind is blowing maybe, maybe? I don’t doubt that God remains vigilant even for wet backs, like me
The wetback is alive ripping off trees once planted, in those holes along the boundaries, that almost stopped him
The wetback is alive shall never dry completely soaked feelings shift one’s way of thinking, tears are needed on the fields, sensing pain from another side could soften hearts
We all are wetbacks we don’t choose when or where we are born people are born on rivers, in streams of sorrows wetback will stay till tomorrow
I’m a wetback swimming in rivers and oceans with hope, I am a wetback I know
La Pocha de la Libertad
Te pareces a la statue de liberty asi bien pretty con tus flores verdes banderas picadas y estrellas caidas
Holding patriotic at the tip of your tongue head held high emotions a mess because you love everyone you set your eyes on
Night sky in the wind of your hair boots grounded deep swift sign language between strangers you know better than me
Cross my heart & hope to live somewhere between the land of dreams & the tierra of mañana
Ay, querida luna que atraviesas fronteras tu reflejas mi corazon de alas y promesas en un lugar que no existe
Pocholandia dreams linguistic streams run from here to there to nowhere to now here to the summer of our discontent
Dedicated to Jose Montoya el maestro who reminds me our stories still need to be told.
“Get down on the ground! Nobody moves! Nobody gets hurt! This is a raid and you are all under arrest!! Your crime? Taking shitty jobs that Americans do not want”, said the man with the badge and gun moments after bursting through the door with the rest of the posse behind. With tasers, batons and guns drawn; symbols of American tax dollars at work in their finest hour, the collection of human beings begins. The Bouncers of Global Capitalism look upon their pray with utter contempt. One by one they are pressed against the wall. No different than the victims of New York’s Stop and Frisk policy. Many lay on the floor with the bouncer’s knee on their neck. Much the same as Iraqis being prepped for an inferno stay at Abu Ghraib. Some stand there with their hands up in the air with a petrified look of horror that one finds in the stock footage of Jews being rounded up in the streets of Europe during World War 2. A bi-product of the Clintonian liberal dream that is NAFTA.
One by one, the shackles of hypocrisy are tightened upon the hands of labor that make the land of the free and the home of the brave breath in this toxic environment polluted by corporate greed. And one by one they are picked up an made to march as a human sacrifices to the of altar for the capitalist God – a for profit corporate run prison.
The tears, despair and feelings of hopelessness weakened them to a state of exhaustion but they finally made it to the golden chariots of Homeland Security buses that will take them on the on that fabled highway. The prayers and cries begin to flow once inside. Suddenly, silence reigns supreme. God’s salvation? No. Before them stands the supervisor of the raid looking at them with chrome sunglasses so that they can see their reflections of tears, pain and heartbreak. So, begins the journey on the Highway of Tears.
“Quien va a recojer a mis hijos? Mis hijos!!”, they cry out. Upon the Highway of Tears play out the memories of their children, birthdays, the first day of school, running home to hug mom, dad, the family portraits to send to the grandparents back in their ancestral homeland. No asphalt, trees, concrete but memories permeate the Highway of Tears as they are driven off. But the tears always stay. And as is always the case of The Highway of Tears, the children were never forgotten.
Manos A La Obra
Muchas manos poco trabajo los de arriba mas arriba y nosotros abajo la ley del obrero trabajar para comer comer para trabajar salir a buscar jale cuando el sol sale la fortaleza de nuestros abuelos presente cada momento vivir vida digna luchar por el pueblo la circumstancia hace al hombre y este sistema a nosotros hay que seguir con honra hasta lograr mas que sobrevivencia la luz es de los que la reflejan juntos hermanos crecemos valientes y con esperanza por un mejor mañana
Hello Manzanaar!
Hello Manzanaar! Nobody’s there but a city of ghosts and sadness Hello Manzanaar! Nobody’s there but a brown sign along the highway Now People walk in, people walk out on their own, of their free will For the ghosts, nothing has changed Specters of buildings haunt the desert bearing stone witness shadow mountains Hello Manzanaar! Nobody’s there To remember those checks of regret and “redress” Because it’s happening again They learned from the past Round up the “enemy” in secret one by one and call it “Patriot Act” Hello Manzanaar! Nobody’s there to be outraged at the repetition Nobody.
DUBÁI, Emiratos Árabes Unidos (AP) — La propuesta del presidente Donald Trump de que Estados Unidos “tome” la Franja de […]
ALBANY, N.Y. (AP) — New York Gov. Kathy Hochul on Monday signed a bill to shield the identities of doctors […]
FILADELFIA (AP) — Las fotos enmarcadas cuelgan en la pared del extremo del vestuario de los Eagles de Filadelfia, sobre […]